I went cruising to Estonia city called Tallin. I went cruising on Saturday the 21 December.
And I came back to Stockholm on the 23 of December.
We have been cruising a lot. We have been 3 times to Helsinki with the cruise.
Helsinki cruise is called Silja Line. But Tallin cruise is called Victoria Tallink.
We have been to Tallin 4 times.
And now it's going to be the 5 time. We have been to Riga 2 times.
This is Silja Line.
My friend Juno and his family also came to Tallink
He has a small brother called marko.
In the cruse there is a playground for children.
You can paint your hand or your face if you want.
My little sister like to be a princess
This is me.
My sister carrying a baby doll.
When we got to Tallin we went to the old town.
There is a shop. Inside there was things from long time ago.
In Tallin we bought a pack of hard sugar inside
there was nuts. It was delicious!
Did you know that Tallin was colder then Stockholm?
It was much colder!
Then we went to a Christmas market.
They usually have them outside shops.
There was a big strong sword.
Then we went to a high building.
It's also a long building.
This is how high it is.
Then we went back to the cruise.
In the cruise close to the playground there was a mail box.
You can write a letter to Santa clause!
Danish and Juno wrote a letter to Santa.
I wrote that I want a hello kitty neckles and very cute.
Hello kitty stickers. I didn't want to write like ipet because
It's expensive and I don't think Santa will buy.
after playing in the playground there was a place that
you can decorate pepperkakkor. A santa woman
gave me, Maritza, Danish, Juno, marko pepparkakkor
shaped as a boat. I decorated. I wrote Tallink.
This is the pepparkakkor that I made.
This is me when I finished decorating.
This is my sister finished decorating.
And my brother.
Next morning when I woke up I saw a post in front of the mirror.
There was a picture of Santa Clause.
My brother and I opened it. There was writing from Santa!
He said that he will try to make our wishes come true.
When we almost got back to Stockholm
we took some pictures.
This is me.
This is my family and Juno's family.
Juno is the orange jacket and Marko is in front of his dad.
The wind is so strong! That we have to hold on!!!!!!
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