Sunday 29 December 2013


There was a world called Underworldpants.
Everybody in that world wears underpants.
And the names were like Undererik,Undersarah.
They all have under in their names.
Once there was a girl called Underestele.
She wants to go to another world.
But in Underworldpant they can't go to another world.
So she invented a space rocket.
Underestele went inside the space rocket.
and flew to another world called gentleworld.
Everybody was gentle in gentle world.
Everybody teached  Underestele how to be gentle.
So she went back to her world and she teached them how to be gentle.
Underworldpants was now called gentlepeopleworld.
They could go anywhere. Their names could be anything.

Made by Aisya.


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