Sunday, 28 August 2016

17 Agustus 45 , Hari Raya Kemerdekaan Indonesia...

Hari raya kemerdekaan indonesia adalah hari yang aku tunggu-tunggu.
tau gak kenapa pada hari itu sangat istimewa?
karena di sekolah akan dirayakan dengan banyak perlombaan dengan banyak hadiah.
semua dimulai ketika aku bangun jam 05:30 pagi...

"Ha?sudah jam setengah enam?" langsung aku mandi secepat kilat
dan memakai baju kebaya. aneh ya? masa upacara 17 an pakai kebaya?
bukan nya putih-putih? ya sudahlah... peraturan sekolah ini.
biasanya berangkat sekolah pakai sepeda, tapi hari ini aku dianterin sama abi
naik motor. karena kalau naik sepeda rok kebaya aku langsung
otomatis robek. aku juga bawa baju olahraga, untuk kegiatan lomba di sekolah.

oh iya, sebum berangkat auk pakai make up dulu dong!
kan ga ada pelajaran, jadi ga papa pake make up.
aku pakai sepatu krem, kebaya coklat, kerudung coklet.
aku cuma pakai bedak wardah, maskara, lipstik, dan parfume doang.
sampai di sekolah temen2 aku pada cantik2 :D
ada yang ga pake kerudung sama ada yang pake kerudung di uel uel.
jam 7 mulai upacaranya di lapangan sekolahku, smpn 108 jakbar.
setelah upacara selesai aku dan temen2 aku naik ke lantai 2
untuk mengambil baju olahraga di dalam kelas,
dan ganti baju di amar mandi.

setelah ganti baju, aku dan temen2 aku foto2 selfie dulu buat kenang2an.
aku sih ga bawa hp,tapi pake hp temen ,entar tinggal dikirim lewat wa.
pada saat acara perlombaan mau dimulai, kita langsung ke lantai 1.
jajan dulu di kantin beli es karena haus habis upacara.
kira2 setelah setengah jam barulah perlombaan dimulai.
aku udah daftar lomba joget jeruk bareng temen aisya,
cuman harus daftar ulang. ada banyak dan macam2 perlombaan yaitu,
tarik tambang,joget jeruk, kelereng, makan kerupuk, balap karung,
dan decorate kelas masing2. saat mendaftar tarik tambang,
namaku ikut terdaftar. tapi ternyata dari 10 orang
cuman perwakilan 3 orang karena talinya kurang panjang.
jadi lomba tarik tamabang gagal ikut.

kalau lomba decorate kelas, kelasku sudah di decorate dua hari sebelum 17.
aku jadi orang yang membeli bahan2 nya dan designer memasang perhiasan seperti
tali merah putih yabg tergantung pada sisi tiap jendela.
kalu lomma itu sudah diumumin pemenangnya.
kelasku mendapat juara 4. cuman ga dapat hadiah.
aku dan pasangan lombaku

to be continued

Friday, 19 August 2016

Habibie Festival

I and my family went to Habibie festival in museum Nasional
at 13th Agust 2016.
The festival is about Habibie.
Habibie is the third presiden of Indonesia.
And he also invented planes.

I went there, to the festival like about ten o'clock in the morning by car.
It was so crouded with people.
The canteen and the inside of the museum was full of people.
Even when I went to the canteen to buy a hotdog it was so difficult
to go out of the line.

At first we went in the museum. it was so full!
There I and Danish took a photo hollding a big and heavy gun.
We can see the example of the Habibie's plane.

In the festival there is like a kids lab from Da Vinci Learning.
Da Vinci Learning is from Germany.
So you can try many science trial.
There is also like a show and you can have more and special prizes
I got three clays with different colors.
But the show was so full with small kids so we cant be there for long.

Then mommy and Maritza went to play to the kids corner.
Only kidz!!! And im not a kid any more! Im twelve
and the sign says only up to 6 years old.
Then we met our old friend, Shakira and her family.
Shakira is about Maritza's old.
about at two in the afternoon we went home because it was so full
that we were tired.


Friday, 12 August 2016

Kemuliaan Shalat Dhuha

Kemuliaan shalat duha.

Sholat adalah amal yang pertama kali diperhitungkan pada hari Kiamat. Sholat juga merupakan kunci semua amal kebaikan.

Shalat duha adalah shalat sunah yang dilkaksanakan setelah terbitnya matahari sampai menjelang
shalat zhuhur.

Orang yang Sholat Dhuha Akan Diampuni Dosa-Dosanya

Hal ini adalah berdasar atas dalil sebuah hadits dari Rasulullah Muhammad SAW yang artinya :
"Barangsiapa yang selalu mengerjakan shalat Dhuha niscaya akan diampuni dosa-dosanya walaupun sebanyak buih di lautan.” (HR. Turmudzi)
Selain beberapa keutamaan dan kemuliaan di dalam sholat dhuha,
Shalat Dhuha mampu menghilangkan resiko stress. 

Pahala Haji Dan Umrah

Selain keutamaan yang sudah disebutkan di atas, masih ada keutamaan lainnya yang sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Yaitu dengan mengerjakan shalat Dhuha ada pahala besar berupa pahala seperti orang yang haji dan umrah yang diterima oleh Allah. Barangkali kemuliaan sholat dhuha ini masih belum diketahui oleh banyak orang. 

Dalil dan dasarnya adalah sebuah hadist dari Rasulullah Muhammad SAW yang artinya :
“Barangsiapa shalat subuh dengan berjamaah, kemudian duduk berdizkir kepada Allah sampai matahari terbit, lalu shalat dua rakaat, dia mendapat pahala seperti haji dan umrah yang sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.” (HR. Turmudzi).
Sumber :

Monday, 8 August 2016

my target in jhs (Junio High School )

1. be the best
my first target in jhs in 8th grade is to be the top first smartest and the best scores.
how I can be the best is to study hard.
math is my favorite subject. for me at the beginning its quite hard
but if you understand it, it will be so easy for you.
and the teacher is also good. its name is teacher Maryati.
i like the way she teaches.
everyone in the class gets a turn to come up to answer the question,
or sometimes explains it.  Second subject i like the moste team
is science. The teacher is Suherman.
I also like him, because he sometimes teachs us by giving
work and we have to do it as a team.
then the leader of the team has to explain how we did the work in front of the class.
I  had been the leader and speaking in front of the class about 4 times.
but thats not enough!!!
and I also want to have the best nam in 9th grade.

2. Be Brave
My second target is to be brave to go up and speak in front of many people.
well, it's kind of nervous you know...

Thursday, 4 August 2016

me, an eight grader girl

now I'm in 8th grade junior high school.
my school is smp negeri 108 jakbar.
in each grade it has 8 classes from a to h.
in seventh grade im in 7C.
and now I'm in 8C. C C C again.

alhamdullilah, one thing I really want it I've reached it.
it was being the top  10  smartest, bestest, in my class.
well i was the six best in class, but I'm still the top ten!
it really tooked time to reach the top ten.
i studied hard to be the best so my mom and dad can be proud of me.
although I kind of failed in days.
like have a least score at tests in class. at that day my mom was quite mad with me
but I did do my best. and my next thing to do in eight grade
is to be the number one smartest, bestets, pretiest, in eight grade.
in the new grade my friends werent the same friend in last grade.
i got new best friends. and some of them are really smart and pretty
well then it turns out that I have a friend that can help me be the top.

My Idol

Hi!!! See you again in cerita aisya's blog!!!!!
this time i wanna tell you guys about my favorite idol.
yes, it's shirin al athrus!
well first of all I want you to know a bout shirin.
in social media, she is known as Shireeenz. yeah, three e zzz.
so shirin really loves the world of fashion.
when she was little she could already combine colors of clothes.
and she also has a sister called Darin. They both really looked the same.
everywhere she goes she wears a hijab.
she also has a simple but nice style on hijab wearing and clothing.
in instagram Shirin has lots of followers.
so how she became famous is that she likes to take photos
of her syle whenever se goes, and put it on social media,
such as instagram, blogger, twitter.

I really want to be like shirin, became a great designer.
shirin also has a blog called
and instagram shireeenz al athrus.
shirin also had been on tv in  "indonesia morning show" when she was 12 years old.
she made a book called "the wonderful world of shirin"

shirin is so famous that she was a commercial star.

hope that I and shirin can met and be bff s one day!


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