I'm going back Indonesia in 26th of January.
The last day in Rodabergskolan is Friday.
Rodaabergskolan is my school.
everyone has to bring food.
I bring 4chips. Someone bring 2 chips. Everyone has to bring food or drink.In the last day of school for me ,my class made a disco for me.
Carmen bring 2packs of jelly beans.
sai bring 2packs of ice cream.
Chisato made cookies.
Saga bring small marshmallows.
And much other stuff my friends
I made this for mr wilkinson
he is my other teacher

my class has also a blog.
but my teacher write it in.
if you want to see pictures of my last day, you can see 4en blog.
The wonderful world of 4en, that is the blog. The title in the 4en blog of my last day is farewell Aisya.
Ms price is the last picture with pretty blond hair.
these are my friends in 4en
Chisato = Japan
Carmella = China
Carmen = America
Natalia = Poland
Naomi = India
Dominika = Slovakia
Doris = Albaynia
Keerthi = India
Arushi = India
Saga = Japan and sweden
Sofia = Slovakia
maya = London and America
Maria = portugal
Chisato is my best friend.
Maria reads lots of times
carmen has 2 cute kittens.
Max = Poland
Alain = america
Ivan = Filiphine and Syria
Murhaf = Syria
Druba = Bandladish
Turya = Bangladish
Atharva = India
Sai = India
Boghus = Syria
Jonotan = finland
Murhaf is a very nice and kind boy.
Atharva is a very funny joker.
Druba and Turya are twins.
Boghos gave me miky mouse girl doll.
Chisato gave me a hello kitty pen and in the side there was
sweet clay she made and ice creek she made fom clay.
Dominika gave me a bear chocolate which I think it's yummy.
Natalia gave me a bunny doll and card one of the cards she drew
a very beautiful bunny.
Murhaf drew a picture in the sea where there are lots of boats.
Doris gave me a bid made out of paper.
Sofia gave me a heart necklace.
Ms Price gave me 3 notebooks each of those books have little speeches.
She also gave me crayon box.
I gave my friends keyring.
in the keyring there is my picture in it.
Now I am in Indonesia .
I really miss you guys!!!
This is my teacher. Ms Price.

Druba = Bandladish
Turya = Bangladish
Atharva = India
Sai = India
Boghus = Syria
Jonotan = finland
Murhaf is a very nice and kind boy.
Atharva is a very funny joker.
Druba and Turya are twins.
Boghos gave me miky mouse girl doll.
Chisato gave me a hello kitty pen and in the side there was
sweet clay she made and ice creek she made fom clay.
Dominika gave me a bear chocolate which I think it's yummy.
Natalia gave me a bunny doll and card one of the cards she drew
a very beautiful bunny.
Murhaf drew a picture in the sea where there are lots of boats.
Doris gave me a bid made out of paper.
Sofia gave me a heart necklace.
Ms Price gave me 3 notebooks each of those books have little speeches.
She also gave me crayon box.
I gave my friends keyring.
in the keyring there is my picture in it.
Now I am in Indonesia .
I really miss you guys!!!
This is my teacher. Ms Price.

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