My dad,
He does everything to make me happy
Everyday he works hard to make my life a better life
When I was small, he always take care of me
He takes me to Disney land
He takes me to the library
He takes me to see the world
He never gave up on me
He never complain
He is my star, my hero
When I was sad he always cheered me up
Sometimes I hurt his feelings with no saying sorry
I wanted to make my dad happy
But all I do is just make him feel bad
My dad wanted me to be a success person like him
But I don't even know my dream
Sorry dad, one day I promise I will make you
happy like you made me happy
I always feel like Im the unluckiest girl in the world
but thats wrong, Im the luckiest !!!
Im so lucky to have a dad like him, a family!
without dad I wouldn't go around the world
learning stuffs I didn't know till now
I realized that many children in the world
didn't have a chance to see the world
Or maybe has no family at all
Sorry dad, I hurt your feelings and didn't say sorry
well now I'm saying it, sorry really sorrrrrry
Please forgive....
From your oldest daughter
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Monday, 28 March 2016
Family Karaoke In S U B A N G ! ! !

Aisya dan keluarga kecil (Aisya, Danish, Maritza, Zhafran,Abi, Umi )
ke subang tanggal 25 Maret Jumat 2016
Ada acara keluarga! Semua, ya hampir semua keluarga dari bapak umi
berkumpul di villa di Subang. Malam Jumat mulai packing.
Karna bawa baju banyak, bawa dua koper satu tas ransel
Jumat brangkat pagi pagi sebelum subuh, ya sekitar jam 4.15.
Karna toll macet, gak lewat toll. Jadi sampai subang jam 8-nan.
Syukurlah gak kena macet. Saudara Aisya ada yang berangkat
pagi sampai Subang magrib.
Sebelum ke villa nya Aisya ke rumah saudara dulu.
Namanya tante Indah , Dika , Cila, nenek Yet.
Dika kelas enam, Cila masih kecil sekitar 5 tahun.
Nenek Yet ikut bareng Aisya mobilnya jadi
kita duluan sampainya. Eyang kung nungguin
kita di pinggir jalan karena abi ga tahu jalan ke vilanya.
Dan akhirnya sampai juga di villa.
Ada tiga kamar, dua kamar mandi, satu tv besar, satu dapur,
dua lantai, taman depan belakang, ayunan, perosotan,
ruang tamu, meja makan. Kamar Aisya ada di atas.
di atas cuma ada satu kamar tidur, 2 kasur.
Karna saudara Aisya yang datang banyak setiap keluarga
diusahakan bawa kasur lipat, selimut, atau karpet.
Umi Aisya bawa kasur lipat, dua selimut, satu bantal, dan satu guling.
Siangnya sudah bayak saudara Aisya yang datang,
tapi masih ada empat mobil yang belum sampai juga.
Sorenya keluarga kecil Aisya berencana pergi jalan jalan.
Tadinya mau renang tapi airnya dingin jadi ga jadi.
Jadi kita ke pemandian panas alami, tapi sayangnya hujan deras.
Malamnya saudara Aisya sudah datang semua.
Aisya kenalan sama saudara aisya
yaitu kak ninis, kak salma, Deva dan masih banyak lagi.
Seru deh ketemu sama saudara2
Isya ada rapat orang tua, jadi anak-anak nya main
game seram, SLENDRINA!!!
Tapi ga terlalu seram sih. cuma muncul nenek
tua sama hantuuuuu. Habis rapat kita KARAOKE!!!!!!!!!!
Yang nyanyi tante Rini, tante Indah,
tante Devi, om Irfan sama yang lainnya!
Pertama tama dangdut kaya lagu 'masa lalu dan sambalado'
Masih banyak sih lagu dangdutnya tapi aku cuma tau judulnya itu doang.
Habis dangdut lagu cinta!!! Atau lebih tepat lagu galauuuu.
Seperti lagu 'walau badai menghadang'.
Banyak sih lagu yang aku tahu tapi biasa ga tau judul lagunya!
Tadinya om Irfan mau nyanyi kesempurnaan cinta oleh Rizky Febian,
taudeh jadi apa ga. Soalnya aisya udah tidur jam 10. Ngantukkk bgt!
Pagi2 bangun jam setengah 6.
Aisya ke bawah masih pada tidur semua.
Apalagi saudara sepantara Aisya.
Tapi ada juga sih tante, eyang dan om yang sudah bangun.
Kata abi , abi tengah malam sama saudara yang lain pergi ke pemandian panas.
Abi pulang jam 3. pantesan pada kagak bangun2
Ternyata renang ya?!!!
Paginya makan bakso sama sosis, pagi jelang siang makan nasi liwet sama tahu,
siangnya makan ayam bakar 2x.
Lumayan banyak yah makannya?! laperrrrr!
Rencana pulang siang. Karna masih rapat aisya ngantuk jadi ketiduran deh.
Sekitar jam satu siang kita foto2 dulu.
Terus ke kebun naga. Tapi karena tante tantenya masih pada selfi
aisya sama keluarga aisya termasuk eyang kung duluan de,
karna keburu lama dan mau ada teman abi yang nginap di rumah.
pas mau sampai di kebun yang lain yang masih di villa. baru sadar
karna udah ditinggalin. Jadi ada saudara aisya yang tunggu
di jalan supaya yang lain tahu arah jalannya.
Makanya te jangan selfi mulu.
Kebun naga nya di puncak gunung.
Seru sih lihat pemandangan dari atas.
Baru pertama kali liat ponon naga.
Pohonnya kaya kaktus. lucuuuu deh!
Tapi aisya perhatin ga ada buahnya. Cuma ada berapa pohon yang ada.
Terus aisya bingung, ada lampu di setiap pohon.
Pas sampai ternyata buah nya habis!!!!!!!
Sementara abi ngobrol sama pemilik kebun kita foto2 dulu
Habis tuh pulang deh. Abi kan habis ngobrol, tentang pohon naga.
Abi cerita kalau setiap pohon hanya berbuah 4 bulan sekali,
jadi satu tiang diberi 4 pohon agar panennya bisa bergantiap setiap bulannya.
Dan lampu2 itu untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan buah!
Sama perawat nya dirawat dengan baik2!
Dan panennya setiap bulan sekitar tanggal 20-an
Wah, baru tahu Aisya!
Perjalanan pulang kita berhenti dulu di masjid untuk salat dhuhur.
dan makan bakso sama siomay.
Aisya berangkat dari kebun sekitar jam 2 sampai rumah jam 5 sore
pulang deh! Home Sweet Home!
Di comment ya! Yg bagus2 comment nya!
Oh ya, dan jangan lupa di share!!!
my family
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
KKPK goes to Korea
I and my family went to senayan, Jakarta because there were
having a festival called Islamic Book Fair.
So there are many books islamics were sold.
There were also KKPK. KKPK is kecil kecil puny karya.
It's Indonesian. So kkpk is a book made by children
like junior high schools or even younger.
I always wanted to be a writer, so I have one book of KKPK.
The tittle is the secret strawberry.
So when I came to the IBF there was like
a game or maybe like a race about KKPK goes to Korea.
It's a bout going to korea, so the presents are something connecting with korea.
I joined the race it has lot of games and I and my group won the third winner.
We got a book of kkpk, a bag BNI, and a calendar.
The books tittle was sejuta bibit impian.
I also got a fan, a small one, actually all of us did get one.
My little sister, Maritza also joined the race.
She and her group got the first winner.
She got the same thing as i got but she has special presents!!!
She got a KKPK goes to korea shirt,
and she can wear a hanbok and take pictures of it.
Hanbok is an traditional dress from Korea.
It was fun having the prices, but a bit boring about the games for my old.
When I got home I directly open the book I got and read it.
It was exiting! What amazing stories!
I really like reading fiction, but when ever I get an idea of making
one fiction it never gets to the end.
I don't know. every time I read good exiting fiction I got a great idea of making
a fiction, but then it will seem boring. Maybe I'm not used to it.
What I like is writing stories that really happen to me.
Like my adventures, or it can be vacations.
I like writing vacation the best.
having a festival called Islamic Book Fair.
So there are many books islamics were sold.
There were also KKPK. KKPK is kecil kecil puny karya.
It's Indonesian. So kkpk is a book made by children
like junior high schools or even younger.
I always wanted to be a writer, so I have one book of KKPK.
The tittle is the secret strawberry.
So when I came to the IBF there was like
a game or maybe like a race about KKPK goes to Korea.
It's a bout going to korea, so the presents are something connecting with korea.
I joined the race it has lot of games and I and my group won the third winner.
We got a book of kkpk, a bag BNI, and a calendar.
The books tittle was sejuta bibit impian.
I also got a fan, a small one, actually all of us did get one.
My little sister, Maritza also joined the race.
She and her group got the first winner.
She got the same thing as i got but she has special presents!!!
She got a KKPK goes to korea shirt,
and she can wear a hanbok and take pictures of it.
Hanbok is an traditional dress from Korea.
It was fun having the prices, but a bit boring about the games for my old.
When I got home I directly open the book I got and read it.
It was exiting! What amazing stories!
I really like reading fiction, but when ever I get an idea of making
one fiction it never gets to the end.
I don't know. every time I read good exiting fiction I got a great idea of making
a fiction, but then it will seem boring. Maybe I'm not used to it.
What I like is writing stories that really happen to me.
Like my adventures, or it can be vacations.
I like writing vacation the best.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Polution changes everything
Polution changes everything
Every time when I put my feet into my beautiful city
I can hear all the birds were singing through the wind
The sky was blue with fluffy white clouds
hearing children laughing in the parks
But these beautiful time I had when I was young
would no longer stay the same
until pollution came...
There were no birds singing through the wind
The sky were black filled with pollution
I hear no laughing children from the park
cause parks had gone for building factories
I stood up and looked around
with my tears going down
All I can see were buildings and factories
Poem Made By : Aisya Armina
Every time when I put my feet into my beautiful city
I can hear all the birds were singing through the wind
The sky was blue with fluffy white clouds
hearing children laughing in the parks
But these beautiful time I had when I was young
would no longer stay the same
until pollution came...
There were no birds singing through the wind
The sky were black filled with pollution
I hear no laughing children from the park
cause parks had gone for building factories
I stood up and looked around
with my tears going down
All I can see were buildings and factories
Poem Made By : Aisya Armina
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