Sunday, 28 February 2016

Geronimo Stilton " The Super Chef Contest "

About Geronimo Stilton :
Geronimo Stilton is the editor of the rodents gazette, the most famous newspaper on mouse island.
Geronimo has a sister Thea, a cousin Trap, and has the most loving nephew Benjamain, or you can call ben.

How the story begins :
One early morning Trap had waited outside in front of Geronimo's house to ask to
be his assistant at joining the " SUPER CHEF CONTEST ".
At first Geronimo didn't want to be his assistant but Trap were acting so sad like he really needed Geronimo's help so he was forced to be Trap's assistant.
The contest was going to be in Gourmetville.
Many chefs were joining the contest.
Geronimo and Trap lended a bedroom with too beds.
The bedroom was quite spooky. It has lots of spider webs and spooky pictures hanging on the wall.
beside Geronimo's bed there was a electric plug from Trap's bed.
Geronimo took a closer look to the plug and wanted to ask trap for what do you need to bring a plug, but suddenly trap was in front of Geronimo looking a bit mad.
"Do not peek anymore! every chef has its own secret" Trap told Geronimo

It was time to began the contest.
The juries were Saucy le paws, Gordon Ratsey, Julia Mouselet, and Rodentu Mcego.
So every chef had to make they're food, and the juries will taste it.
It was time to test the food all chef made. No one could made a six, but then Trap got an eight.
Everyone was shocked, including Geronimo.
The contest was a week. Monday to Sunday. On Saturday there were only 7 chefs left.
Soon Geronimo had found out that the food that Trap had made weren't made by him,
But it was made by aunt Sweetfur. Aunt Sweetfur foods are really delicious!

Geronimo know Trap was cheating because of the call.
Trap had called aunt Sweetfur and lied to her that he will be having a party with his friends so he asked her to make the food. But exactly, it's for the contest!!!
That's why there is a plug. The plug came from the refrigerator !!!
Trap had put aunt's food into that refrigerator and brought the food to the contest.
Geronimo told Trap to not cheat but he just ignored him.
Suddenly Trap slipped down and broke his knees.
So Trap was forced going to the hospital.
before he was going to the hospital he asked Geronimo to replace him.
Geronimo didn't really want to replace him because he had cheated.
but he was feeling sad about trap. so Geronimo replaced him.

Geronimo went to town to buy the ingredients for the contest.
But all the shops are closed. of course it's close! it's because of the final chef contest, remember?
Geronimo saw a women in a large farm. There was a sign :
Aunt Mousie's farm. Genuine organic! produce for sale! excellent prices!
Geronmo asks aunt Mousie to help him get the ingredients.
So aunt mousie helped geronimo picking all he needed.
After finding all Geronimo needed he was getting back for the contest.
Aunt Mousie said that Geronimo could have the ingredients, no need to pay.
What a kindly mam. Geronimo was back at time.
he was planning to make a pizza. When the juries taste geronimo's pizza, they say it was the simplest.
But then, the juries announce the winner, and it was
Geronimo was sooooo happy!!!
he jumped up...and down...up....and down....
For hours. And of course the stilton family was proud to Geronimo Stilton!!!
Happily ever after!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The English Roses

Once upon a time there were four best friends 
and they do everything together, Just like sisters.
they play the same games, read the same books, 
and like the same boy.And most of all they love to dance! 
they are Nicole, Amy, Charlotte,and Grace.
It sounds all so perfectly fun and nice. 
But there was one problem.
They were all a bit jealous of another girl in the neighboor.
Her name was Binah. She was very, very beautiful, 
she had long silky hair,she was an exellent student,
 very good at sports, and kind to people.
She was SPECIAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But she was sad. she was lonely. She had no friends.
One night, when all the girls were having a sleep over 
in Nicola's house, Nicola's mother talked to the 
four friends about how lonely Binah was.
Mother told them to make friends with Binah.
But they wasn't for sure to want to make friends with Binah.
When they all four slept, this is what they dreamed:
When they all four had a picnic in a sunny day
and complaining about how beautiful Binah was,
a godmother landed on top of Charlotte's sandwich. 

She askes the four "If your jealous of Binah, I can
perhaps one of you would even like to trade places 
with binah. But first you can fly to binah's house
with me and spend some time with her. 
To make sure that her life is to your liking" She said.

So the godmother sprinkled a bit of dust to the 
four so they could fly and wont be seen.
They saw Binah doing all the hard chorses by herself. 
like cleaning the floor, peeled potatoes,
chopped onions,she washed, and ironed the clothes.
So they noticed that Binah was lonely with her father.
her mother had died a long time ago, 
and her dad had to work hard.
The four felt sorry for Binah.
Then they four decided to not change places 
with binah, and they decided to make friends with her.
When the four woked up they talked about they're dream, 
they rushed to see Binah.
They five began to be best friends.
And now everyone knows the name ENGLISH ROSES.


Friday, 19 February 2016

Sepeda Baru ku!!!

Halo semuanya!
aku akan menceritakan kalian semua , sebuah cerita spesial bagi ku!
semua dimulai pada hari sabtu, hari eskul.
pada tanggal 20, bulan ke2, tahun ke16 aku eskul di sekolah SMP ku.
oh iya, aku lupa untuk memperkenalkan sekolahku kepada kalian!
nama sekolahku SMPN 108 jakarta barat.
aku duduk di kelas 7C. ada 8 kelas, 7A-7H.
lumayan banyak yah?!!!
setiap hari sabtu eskul. setiap anak diwajibkan untuk ikut eskul pramuka dan rohis.
misalya kelas 7A-7D eskul rohis sabtu pagi ini, dan 7E-7H siang.
aku bangun jam setengah enam solat subuh, dan ikut membantu orangtua ku bersih bersih rumah.
setelah itu mandi, makan dan langsung berangkat. dianterin sama abi.
sampai disekolah aku eskul rohis. seperti ngaji, hafalan, dengerin ceramah.
palingan sejam lebih rohisnya. sementara kelas 7 rohis kelas 8 pramuka.
aku kan ikut pencak silat tuh bareng temen temen kelas lain, jadi aku bawa baju
hitam buat silat. selesai rohis ganti baju dan ngumpul di lapangan.
karena gurunya belum datang kita jajan dulu sambil main.

pokoknya seneng kalo ikut eskul.
si sekolahku ada eskul paskibra, silat, karate, taikondo, PMR, OSIS, rohis,pramuka dan lain-lain.
pokoknya banyak deh!!!
tapi kayaknya cuman boleh ikut minimal dua, karena latihannya pas jam yang sama .
ada yang agak pagi dan ada yang agak siang.
tadinya aku ikut paskib tapi aku keluar. CAPEK!!!
pulang-pulang palingan menjelang asar.
gurunya galak lagi, panas panas!!! yah, namanya juga paskibra fisiknya harus kuat.
kan kalo paskib harus bawa bekel nasi dan minum satu liter.
makannya harus cepat!!! kalo ada nasi yang jatuh di lantai atau meja, harus tetap dimakan. pushup samapai 1oo kali mungkin? gak kuat menghitung.

balik lagi ke silat.
yang ngajar silat kakak kelas. ada juga sih bapak-bapak.
capek juga sih, tapi ga secapek paskib!
setelah latihan berjam jam waktunya pulang.
boleh pulang atau latihan lagi.
tadinya aku dan teman teman ku mau main, tapi karena udah sinag ga jadi.
pas pulang teman aku Futri dan Dina nemenin aku pulang sampai pulang.
aku pengen banget tuh kesekolah naik sepeda jadi ga capek capek jalan.
aku ngobrol sama temen aku tuh. kata aku...

"Kayaknya enak ya bawa sepeda"
"bawa sepeda aja" kata Dina
"aku punya sih cuman bannya bocor"
di tambel di dekat rumahku aja"

aku diam aja.
Dina pulang duluan. aku jalan pulang.
kan pulangnya siang jadi panas panas.
"Umi?! Abi?! "
ga dijawab.
pas aku lihat di depan. WOW!!!
sepeda baru! berwarna biru mudah cemerlang tinggi, dan model nya ada keranjangnya
seperti yang ku inginkan. dari dulu kepingin sepeda seperti model itu!
dan akhirnya terwujud!!!
aku naik ke atas, dan buka pintu kamar.
" Umi di bawah itu sepeda aisya?"

Monday, 8 February 2016

My HAPPY Memories!

Sunday, 7 February 2016

The best UMI in the whole universe!

Hi !!! 
Do you know who's the most best person in your life?
Yes , its your mother!
But my mother is so special to me.
she's my everything!!!
I am so proud I have the best umi in the whole entire universe!
you must kept asking what is umi, right?
Umi , I call Umi for my mother.
In Indonesian we used to call our mother mak, bunda, ibu, or umi.
when I was small my umi always were there for me.
Umi is kind, pretty, kreatif and patient.
She always tries to keep me happy.
My mom made me a skirt, a pencil case, shirt and more other things!
She always gave me good books to read.
She tolds me to do right things.
I am so close to my mother.
So close that if my umi goes out only for an half day,
sometimes I cry, a little bit.
I must tell you that, she's so so so cares about me.
When i was sick, she called the doctor.
Or when I get out for a one whole day and I never come home,
She will sure go out and look for me until she finds me.
I'm so happy to have that kind of umi!

                                                 This is my umi, pretty isn't it?
                                                     She looks happy, isn't she?

Sometimes umi tell me and my other brothers and sister a bed time story at the night.
So sweet in't it?
I really love love love my umi so much!
 I usually say
" I love you more than you love me!"
to my mother.
Bye! Have a fun time with your umi!

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