Once upon a time there lived a kingdom called Irendel.
Irendel had a little princess called Aisya Jelita Fauzahrah.
Princess Aisya was 11 years old.
one day she was playing with her new ball that her mother just gaved.
she was playing near a pond. she was throwing the ball too high that
the ball bounced into the pond. the pond was very deep.
Princess Aisya cried too loud that a little frog heard the sound of Princess Aisya crying.
the little frog went closer to the princess. the little frog asked her
'why are you crying my dear princess?'
Princess aisya nodded. she said ' did that little frog just talked to me?'
she said in fear. the frog replied ' yes I did talk to you'
Princess Aisya jumped out in fear. princess aisya asked ' could you take my ball who had just fall into
that deep pond?'
' I will take your ball out only if you promise me that you will be my friend'
Princess Aisya said 'I will do anything for you if could just take my ballot of that pond!!'
she cried. after the frog took the ball out of the pond he and the princess played together.
then the two friends became best friends and lived happily ever after

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