Saturday, 3 December 2016


do you know whats igma? its Ikatan Generasi Muda Al-ikhla = IGMA (in indonesian)
igma is a muslim organization, for teenagers. its located in mosque al-iklas, front of my house.
igma is a great and an exciting organization. you get many friends, and you can learn more about islam. it also teaches us how to be a good leader. igma has many activity, such as sport, girls, reading al-quran, propaganda, and lots more. and of course in any activity there should be a leader.
now, 2016, the leader of igma and the activities are:

leader : abdul malik
sekretary : Ghyvarly / gio
propaganda : hirzian fairus / zian
sports : hanifah & danish
girls : aisya (ME) & vivin
humas : Vina alfianti

and more, i forgot the others :V

so, igma is a really exciting thing you should join. on saturday at 19:00 - 21:00 there will be
a lecture from ustads. you only have to pay RP 5.000, to the lecture. its only 5.000 !!!!
cheap isn't it? don't worry about friends. we always welcomes a new member, we'l be happy for you to join!

instagram igma : @igma1988


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