Benda dapat berwujud:
1.Benda padat: bentuknya tetap
2.Benda cair:bentuknya berubah sesuai tempatnya.
3.Benda gas:bentuk sesuai tempatnya.
Benda dapat mengalami Perubahan Wujud.
1.Membeku,contohnya air menjadi es.
2.menguap,contohnya air di panasi menjadi uap air.
3.menyublim: benda padat berubah menjadi gas.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Hubungan antara makhluk Hidup dan lingkungan
Simbiosis adalah hubungan timbalbalik antara dua makhluk hidup.
1.Simbiosis Mutualisma=menguntungkan contohnya burung jalak makan kotoran di badan kerbau.Burung
jalak jadi kenyang, kerbaunya badanya jadi bersih.
2.Simbiosis komensalisme=tidak serig untung dan juga tidak saling merugikan.
Contohnya anggrek dan paku nempel tapi tidak ambil makanan tamanan lain.
3.Simbiosis parasitisme:Ambil makanan tumbuhan sama tidak di beri.
Jadi tumbuhan itu jadi mati.Dan yang ambil makanan itu dia enak saja.
Contohnya Tali Putri.
Daur hidup hewan
Daur hidup adalah tahapan proses hidup makhluk hidup.
Metamorfosis adalah peberubahan bentuk makhluk hidup
1. Daur hidup kupu-kupu: telur-ulat-kepompong-kupu-kupu.
2. Daur hidup nyamuk: telur-jentik-jentik-pupa-nyamuk
Metamorfosis adalah peberubahan bentuk makhluk hidup
1. Daur hidup kupu-kupu: telur-ulat-kepompong-kupu-kupu.
2. Daur hidup nyamuk: telur-jentik-jentik-pupa-nyamuk
Ada hewan yang tidak metamorfosis.contohnya kucing.
Penggolongan Hewan
Hewan maknya berbeda-beda. Ada tiga golongan yaitu:
1. Herbivora: hewan yang makananya tumbuhan,biji,buah,rumput,daun.
2.Karnivora:hewan yang makan daging.
3.Omnivora:hewan yang makan tumbuhan dan daging.
1. Herbivora: hewan yang makananya tumbuhan,biji,buah,rumput,daun.
2.Karnivora:hewan yang makan daging.
3.Omnivora:hewan yang makan tumbuhan dan daging.
Bagian tumbuhan dan fungsinya
1. akar
2 jenis akar yaitu akar tunggang dan akar serabut.
ini akar serabut
ini akar tunggang
guna akar itu agar tumbuhan jadi berdiri.
dan menyerap air dari tanah.
2. Batang
Batang gunanya untuk mengangkut air dan garam-garam mineral dari akar ke daun dan tunas.
jenis batang:
a. Batang berkayu: keras pohonya tinggi.
b. Batang rumput: contohnya padi jagung dan rumput.
c.Batang basah.contohnya pohon pisang.
3. Daun
Ada warna hijau daun namanya klorofil.
Klorofil menyerap sinar matahari untuk membuat makanan.
Ini namanya fotosintessis.
4. Bunga
a. tangkai bunga.
b.kelopak bunga.
c. mahkota bunga, warnanya cantik biar kupu-kupu dan lebah datang.
d. putik dan benang sari, ini untuk membuat biji dengan dibantu lebah atau insect lain.
putik itu betina,benang sari jantan.
putik itu betina,benang sari jantan.
Alat indra manusia
Pancaindra=5 indra, yaitu:
1. indra penglihat= mata
mata bisa melihat karena ada cahaya, cahaya masuk melahui pupil.Kalau gelap mata pupil jadi besar.
kalau terang mata pupil kita jadi kecil.Supaya mata kita jadi sehat, jadi kita makan fitamin A.
2.indra pendengar=telinga
telinga terdiri dari Selaput gendang, Daun telinga,rumah siput.Kalau dengar suara teralu kencang selaput kita
pecah. suara lewat daun telinga, terus melewati Selaput gendang,terus lewatin rumah siput habis itu ke otak.
3.indra pembau=hidung
hidung untuk mencium bau. udara yang bawa bau, masuk lewat lobang hidung yang ada sarafnya.kemudian di kirim ke otak.
4.indra pengecap=lidah
5.indra peraba=kulit
ada saraf di kulit yang mengirim ke otak singga kita tau rasa kasar,halus,panas dan dingin.
Rangka manusia
Rangka manusia terbagi atas tiga bagian,yaitu rangka kepala,rangka badandan rangka anggota gerak.
Rangka manusia memiliki kegunaan kerangka.contohnya menentukan bentuk tubuh,menegakkan tubuh,
tempat melekatnya,melindungi organ tubuh penting.
rangka kepala disebut tengkorak.Rangka badan terdiri dari tulang belakang,tulang dada,
tulang rusuk.
Rangka anggota gerak terdiri dari Lengan dan Kaki.
Lengan dan Kaki dapat bergerak karena Sendi.Sendi dapat dipengaruhi oleh Sikap Tunbuh.
Seperti cara duduk,cara berdiri dan cara tidur mengalami Kelainan kerangka.
Rangka manusia memiliki kegunaan kerangka.contohnya menentukan bentuk tubuh,menegakkan tubuh,
tempat melekatnya,melindungi organ tubuh penting.
rangka kepala disebut tengkorak.Rangka badan terdiri dari tulang belakang,tulang dada,
tulang rusuk.
Rangka anggota gerak terdiri dari Lengan dan Kaki.
Lengan dan Kaki dapat bergerak karena Sendi.Sendi dapat dipengaruhi oleh Sikap Tunbuh.
Seperti cara duduk,cara berdiri dan cara tidur mengalami Kelainan kerangka.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Post Museum
In the post museum I wear post clothes.
But the post clothes were too big for me to wear.
Danish, my brother played computer.He need to build a road.
I am taking some posts.My sister, Maritza is also playing computer.
I don't like this type machine because you can't do backspace.
And it is hard.But Danish like the type machine.
And it's an old type machine.
I am using a secret letter and to send a secret do it like this.One ABC order is on top.In under it, there is ABC order mixed.For example A=G. That's how you do it.
|At the past the post man used A post horn and A spear to call his friends.
The post man used a horse to go faster.
They took turns for A new post code.
They have to work hard because of the bad road.
On Winter they used with a horse and a sleigh.
But the post clothes were too big for me to wear.
Danish, my brother played computer.He need to build a road.
I am taking some posts.My sister, Maritza is also playing computer.
I don't like this type machine because you can't do backspace.
And it is hard.But Danish like the type machine.
And it's an old type machine.
I am using a secret letter and to send a secret do it like this.One ABC order is on top.In under it, there is ABC order mixed.For example A=G. That's how you do it.
|At the past the post man used A post horn and A spear to call his friends.
The post man used a horse to go faster.
They have to work hard because of the bad road.
On Winter they used with a horse and a sleigh.
Bahasa Inggris,
Friday, 26 October 2012
United Nation Celebration
There is a festival. You can dance but you chose a dance from your own country.
I chose an umbrella dance.I dance with my brother Danish and my friend Kevin.
I dance with the scarf and the boys dance with an umbrella.
On October 24 it was a special day because it was the UN day!
I and the boys are gonna dance in the stadium.
The boys are shay but i'm little shy.We all did a supper nice dance.everyone was giving an applause to me Kevin and Danish.It was supper fun!
after we finish the dance I and my friends carried our own flag county.
After that we can go home but if you don't wan't to go home you can stay in the class because
there is lesson.the lesson is only coloring.only 5 minutes we colored.Then we watched a movie.
I had so much fun! And 1 more day it is Autumn Holliday!
I chose an umbrella dance.I dance with my brother Danish and my friend Kevin.
I dance with the scarf and the boys dance with an umbrella.
On October 24 it was a special day because it was the UN day!
I and the boys are gonna dance in the stadium.
The boys are shay but i'm little shy.We all did a supper nice dance.everyone was giving an applause to me Kevin and Danish.It was supper fun!
after we finish the dance I and my friends carried our own flag county.
After that we can go home but if you don't wan't to go home you can stay in the class because
there is lesson.the lesson is only coloring.only 5 minutes we colored.Then we watched a movie.
I had so much fun! And 1 more day it is Autumn Holliday!
Bahasa Inggris,
This is my teacher.Teacher Barbara.We were in second grade.
This is my class.I have a best friend called Aarya.There is 18 chilldren in the class.There are many girls then boys.
I also go to gym.The teacher learn us sports and play games.My teachers name is teacher Ari.I love to go to gym because in gym we normally play games.
Bahasa Inggris,
My School
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
at the shop
put on your clean jumper and your clean trousers.
Mammy bear said to Huggy.
I want you to go to the shop.
Huggy bear put on his yellow jumper.
He put on his yellow trousers.
He put on her red scarf too.
He wears a scarf everywhere.
I want milk and biscuits.
said mammy
I will give you a note.
We are going to have a party!
Said Huggy.
Will Patsy come?
Will Danny come?
Will the bears and the dinosaurs be at the the party?!!!
No! No party! said mammy bear.
Only Patsy Will come.
you will not have a party.
put on your clean jumper and your clean trousers.
Mammy bear said to Huggy.
I want you to go to the shop.
Huggy bear put on his yellow jumper.
He put on his yellow trousers.
He put on her red scarf too.
He wears a scarf everywhere.
I want milk and biscuits.
said mammy
I will give you a note.
We are going to have a party!
Said Huggy.
Will Patsy come?
Will Danny come?
Will the bears and the dinosaurs be at the the party?!!!
No! No party! said mammy bear.
Only Patsy Will come.
you will not have a party.
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume,
Friday, 6 April 2012
Twister on Tuesday
One summer day in Frog Creec Annie and Jack went to the tree house to see Morgan.
Morgan said to jack and Annie.Can you g to another island?
yes said Jack and Annie together. Then Morgan disappear. Annie and Jack sit down to the floor.
Then the tree house began to spin fast. Jack and Annie open his eyes and look out of the window.
then Jack and Annie go down to the lather.
Where are we?I don't now? Then Annie saw a school. Annie looked inside the school,but was nobody.
Then Jack and Annie look at the sky. The sky was black.
And then Annie and Jack saw a twister.
Annie and Jack were running to the tree house. Then the tree house was spinning fast.
Wen the tree house was stopping Jack and Annie went back home.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume,
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Happy Birthday Jo-Jo!
Today it is Jo Jo's birthday.Jo Jo is now a big girl.she is 8 years old.His mom and Jo Jo are now in the shop.
mom found a candy bag.Jo Jo said to mom,is that for my birthday?yes.then Jo Jo's mom made a hole.Jo Jo said,why a hole? and later the party family is hire.then mom and dad said,HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JO JO! Jo Jo was so happy.
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume,
Scarlett the garnet fairy.
Once upon a time there was fairy.her name was Scarlett. Scarlett had a friend,her friend name was Sandra.
One day Sandra came in the park. Then a monster came to eat Sandra. Scarlett saved Sandra's live.
then Sandra said thank to Scarlett.Then the monster became a little rabbit.Then Sandra and Scarlett
are very happy.Then there is a fairy party.
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume,
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Dingoes at Dinnertime
One day Jack and Annie are going to the magic tree house. Jack and Annie read about Africa. Jack and Annie imagine that Jack and Annie are in Africa. Annie said, can you read? Jack said,yes i can.Once upon a time there live a mom kangaroo and a baby kangaroo.The mom was feeding the baby.Jack and Annie are looking at the baby kangaroo.but Annie saw a wolf. The wolf tried to catch the kangaroos. Jack and Annie said, STOP!then the wolf stop.Annie said,Jack i think we better go home.yes, said Jack.THE END!
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume
Thursday, 22 March 2012
The Incredible Present
Lily Mack lived in a tall old house with her parents and her granny.but most of the time it was just Lily and granny.Lily's parents like to have a trip.Now Lily's parents had a trip.they are going somewhere.Lily is now home with granny.tomorrow it is Lily's birthday.Lily wake up then Lily was going to the kitchen.then Lily open the door and,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Lily was so happy.Lily's parents where coming everyone is coming.Lily was so happy.
Bahasa Inggris,
Book Resume
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Zweden is mooi
weet je dat Zweden mooi is. In Zweden zit er ook een bibliotheek. In de bibliotheek daar zit er ook knutselen afdeling.Je kan aleen tekenen en een huis maake.Watje maak kanje naar huis berengen.Maar mijn huis is wel klein.Maar als het maart is gaan we verhuisen naar een groote huis.Daar kan je ook schaatsen.En daar is hut graatis.en in Zweden kan je ook glijden in sneew.
weet je dat Zweden mooi is. In Zweden zit er ook een bibliotheek. In de bibliotheek daar zit er ook knutselen afdeling.Je kan aleen tekenen en een huis maake.Watje maak kanje naar huis berengen.Maar mijn huis is wel klein.Maar als het maart is gaan we verhuisen naar een groote huis.Daar kan je ook schaatsen.En daar is hut graatis.en in Zweden kan je ook glijden in sneew.
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