Thursday, 28 May 2015

karate kid

Friday, 22 May 2015

Ujian Nasional

Hi guys!!!!!
Do you know that at 18th of May in Indonesia there will be a test.
The name of the test is Ujian Nasional (UN)
if you get the test bad you can bot go to the 7th grade school.
you can go but you have to pay lots of money.
in indonesia when you are 6th grade you will need to do lots of tests.
these are the tests =  UTS (2 times) , UAS ( 2 times) , try out 4 times,
ujian praktek , ujian sekolah , try out al - qamar, UN.

try out is a test that is familiar like UN.


try out 1
indonesian = 82
maths = 7                           total= 21,4
science = 5
i'm the 6th best from 40 kids

try out 2
indonesian = 7
maths = 8                           total= 21,75
science = 6
i'm the 8th best from 80 kids

try out 3
indonesian = 7
maths = 9,50                      total= 23,15
i'm the 3th best of 40 kids

try out 4
maths = 8                            total= 23,85
science= 7
i'm the 11th best of 80 kids


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