Friday, 31 May 2013

reading competition

In my school they have A means the Swedish class and EN means the English class. 1A,1EN,2A,2EN,3A,3EN  will have a reading competition. I am in class 3EN. My class won the reading competition. Every class work as a team. The other class will also do the competition.
Reading competition is that you have to read so many books because we are counting the pages.
My class read 26,000 pages. I read the most. I read 6000 pages. My friend Doris read 4000 pages.
My other friends read less then that! but we still work together! We got ICE CREAM and a Diploma!
The ice cream was Vanilla with chocolate cream!It was fun  !
oh yeah! how can i forget this ! I and my class also read the most pages in the whole school!
Also we read more then the 9EN and 9A!

I hope you enjoy it!

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