One day a new chimpanzee baby was born. His mother called him Oscar.
The mother of Oscar name is Isha. Years keep going. Suddenly Oscar became 3 years old.
Oscar is always the first one who woke up. Because he's playful.Chimpanzees eat other kinds of food like us.They also eat meat.
his mother showed Oscar how to take food. Isha promised to keep her baby safe.
One night other kinds of strong Chimpanzee came to attack Oscar and his big family.
They were in trouble. Chimpanzees are trying to escape.
Suddenly Isha was lost.She can't find Oscar or her family. Then a leopard saw her and ate her.
But Oscar was still alive and he is still with his big family.
The others were saying that Oscar is not alowed to be in his family,because they already have childrens.
But the boss agrees that he will take care of Oscar.